Integrated DICOM Viewer Sample

This is a sample of how a DICOM file looks like when viewed in Medicai. Available in both our web and mobile apps, and also easily embedabble in your own solution, our DICOM viewer solution comes connected to a cloud PACS readily available.

What is Medicai's Interoperable Architecture?

Our interoperable medical imaging architecture enables seamless communication and data exchange between different medical imaging systems and healthcare applications, regardless of the vendor or technology used. It uses standardized protocols, such as DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine), to ensure that medical images and related patient data can be accessed and shared across different systems and platforms.

Our interoperable medical imaging architecture includes a vendor-neutral archive (VNA), which acts as a central repository for medical images and associated patient data, and supports various DICOM standards and image formats. It also includes a set of interfaces and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that enable different systems and applications to communicate with each other, promoting interoperability and enabling more efficient workflows.

Interoperable medical imaging architectures are increasingly important in modern healthcare, as they enable medical professionals to access and share critical patient information more easily, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and reduced costs. By promoting interoperability and standardization, they also facilitate the development and deployment of new medical imaging technologies and applications, ultimately advancing the field of medical imaging as a whole.

Built on industry standard protocols (DICOM, HL7)

Our medical imaging platform is built on industry-standard protocols, including DICOM and HL7, ensuring that it can easily integrate with other healthcare systems, such as Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS). This enables medical professionals to easily access and share medical images and patient data across different healthcare settings, improving the quality of care and patient outcomes.

Supports a wide range of imaging modalities

In addition, our medical imaging platform supports a wide range of imaging modalities, including CT scans, MRI images, and X-rays, ensuring that medical professionals can easily work with a variety of medical images. Our platform also supports advanced imaging analysis tools, allowing medical professionals to perform complex analyses and gain deeper insights into patient conditions.

Increased Flexibility

Our interoperable medical imaging architecture enables healthcare providers to choose the best technology for their needs, regardless of the vendor or technology used. This promotes flexibility and facilitates the adoption of new technologies and applications.

Better Collaboration

Our interoperable medical imaging architecture promotes collaboration between different healthcare providers, enabling them to easily share medical images and patient data across different systems and locations. This leads to better-informed decisions and ultimately improves patient care.

How does it work?

Our interoperable medical imaging architecture enables seamless communication and data exchange between different medical imaging systems and healthcare applications, regardless of the vendor or technology used. Here's how it works:


The first step in creating an interoperable medical imaging architecture is to integrate different medical imaging systems and applications into a unified platform. This is done using standardized protocols, such as DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine), which enable different systems to communicate with each other.

Data Exchange

Once the systems are integrated, they can exchange medical images and related patient data seamlessly. This enables medical professionals to access critical patient information more easily and make better-informed decisions.


Interoperable medical imaging architectures must be designed with security in mind, ensuring that patient data is protected and secure at all times. This includes implementing appropriate access controls, encryption, and other security measures to protect patient privacy.


A key advantage of interoperable medical imaging architectures is their scalability. As healthcare providers grow and expand, the architecture can be easily scaled to meet their needs, without the need for costly infrastructure upgrades.


Our interoperable medical imaging architecture promotes collaboration between different healthcare providers, enabling them to easily share medical images and patient data across different systems and locations. This leads to better-informed decisions and ultimately improves patient care.

Why choose Medicai's interoperable architecture?

Medicai's interoperable architecture enables different medical imaging systems to communicate with each other seamlessly, which can lead to improved workflow efficiency and faster access to patient data.

Learn more about how Medicai can help you strengthen your practice and improve your patients' experience.