Since the onset of the war and the ensuing refugee crisis, the Blue Heron Foundation has partnered with Medicai to help displaced Ukrainian patients get access to cancer treatments in Romania and Moldova. One of our biggest challenges has been to collect and store documents and imaging from displaced individuals. Medicai has been instrumental to our efforts, allowing doctors and patients from multiple countries to share medical information in a secure and easy way. We are incredibly grateful to have the support of the Medicai team during these challenging times and look forward to working together to ease the suffering of those most in need.
Dr. Horia Vulpe MD, CM, FRCPC
Radiation Oncologist
With Medicai, we have access to the patient medical data like CT scans and other medical documents. For more than a year now, we have organised our multidisciplinary discussions of diffuse interstitial lung diseases online, using the Medicai platform. The purpose of these discussions is to establish a definite diagnosis and to bring consensus on the therapeutic recommendations.
Claudia Toma MD, PhD
Senior Lecturer and Expert Pulmonologist with IPF/ILDs
“An innovative new medical startup in Romania helped doctors from three countries collaborate to treat Ukrainian cancer patients made refugees after Russia’s brutal invasion.”
“Medicai has the key ingredient for unicorn potential as its product solves pressing issues in the medical system for chronic patients. Instant access to complex imaging records and remote evaluations minimize the need to travel and offer access to medical care in remote locations.”
“Medicai creates digital “corridors” where information can flow instantly between primary care physicians, imaging centers, labs, and specialists to improve screening and diagnosis.”
Seamlessly retrieve, view, store, and share medical imaging data with a robust multi-location, cloud PACS storage, zero-footprint DICOM viewers, AI support, and best-in-class sharing capabilities.