Donna Medical Center

Specialized Clinic

Donna Medical Center

Obstetricia y Ginecología & Investigaciones senologicas

Strada Traian 234, București 024046 Strada George Constantinescu 2-4, București 022762

031 227 5573

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Donna Medical Center is among the innovators in the healthcare field that adopt advanced technologies like the one developed by Medicai, which enables efficient collaboration and real-time access to imaging data. With Medicai, doctors from Donna Medical Center can receive previous medical studies of their patients digitally, in a few minutes. Medicai’s Patient Portal provides patients with secure access to their medical imaging files.


• Women’s Health

• Advanced Imaging

• Oncology

• Musculoskeletal and Orthopedics

• Cardiology

• General Medicine

• Allergy

• Surgery

• Dermatology

• Medical Aesthetics

• Gastroenterology

• Medical Genetics

• Internal Medicine

• Neurology

Sobre Donna Medical Center

Women-focused medical professional with a strong understanding of women's health issues founded a private health clinic. Donna Medical Center was established in 2011 with the goal of giving women access to a qualified health evaluation in a cozy, private environment.

We accurately and promptly diagnose gynecological and breast diseases in their early stages, monitor and assess pregnancies until the baby is born, and provide expert-level consultations in the following specialties: cardiology, endocrinology, internal medicine, surgery, oncology, dermatology, diabetes, and nutritional diseases. These capabilities are made possible by our doctors' overspecialization, academic background, and use of cutting-edge technology.

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Imaging Investigations

Computer Tomography (CT)

• CT upper abdomen native/with contrast

• CT lower abdomen (pelvis) native/with contrast

• CT upper and lower abdomen (total abdomen) native/with contrast

• CT pelvis (sacroiliac and coxofemoral joints) native/with contrast

• CT head (cerebral) native/with contrast

• CT head + total abdomen native/with contrast

• CT head + cervical region + thorax + total abdomen native/with contrast

• CT head + cervical region + thorax native/with contrast

• CT head + thorax + upper abdomen + lower abdomen (pelvis) native/with contrast

• CT head + thorax + upper abdomen native/with contrast

• CT head + thorax native/with contrast

• CT spine one segment native/with contrast

• CT spine two segments native/with contrast

• CT whole spine three segments native/with contrast

• CT extremity (musculoskeletal segment) native/with contrast

• CT sinuses native/with contrast

• CT thorax (chest region) native/with contrast

Ecography (Ultrasound)

• Ecography of joints/soft tissues (shoulder, elbow, hands, wrist, hip, knee, ankle, foot)

• Ecography of scrotal/penile region

• Breast ecography (unilateral/bilateral)

• Doppler ecography

• Abdominal ecography (total/superior/inferior)

• Transvaginal ecography

• Pelvic ecography

• Musculoskeletal ecography

• Soft tissue ecography

• Pediatric ecography

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

• MRI lower abdomen (pelvis) native/with contrast

• MRI upper abdomen native/with contrast

• MRI abdomen + pelvis native/with contrast

• MRI forearm native/with contrast

• MRI sternoclavicular joint native/with contrast

• MRI sacroiliac joints native/with contrast

• MRI chin native/with contrast

• MRI pelvis native/with contrast

• MRI arm/humerus native/with contrast

• MRI head native/with contrast

• MRI head + sinuses native/with contrast

• MRI head + cervical spine native/with contrast

• MRI head + neck (viscerocranium + cervical region + neurocranial screening) with contrast

• MRI thigh native/with contrast

• MRI spine (one region) native/with contrast

• MRI spine (two regions) native/with contrast

• MRI whole spine (three regions) native/with contrast

• MRI elbow native/with contrast

• MRI finger native/with contrast

• MRI lower leg/tibia and fibula native/with contrast

• MRI neck native/with contrast

• MRI knee (unilateral) native/with contrast

• MRI knee (bilateral) native/with contrast

• MRI ankle/heel native/with contrast

• MRI penis/scrotum native/with contrast

• MRI foot native/with contrast

• MRI wrist/hand native/with contrast

• MRI sinuses native/with contrast

• MRI shoulder/axilla native/with contrast


Doctors in Donna Medical Center

Descubre cómo funciona el envío de archivos

Enviar sus archivos médicos, incluidas sus imágenes médicas, a su proveedor de atención médica es fácil con Medicai. Mire el siguiente vídeo breve para ver un recorrido paso a paso.

Acerca de Medicai

Medicai es una solución empresarial de imágenes médicas nativa de la nube. Nuestra solución permite una gestión de datos de imágenes segura y compatible: acceso a los datos desde cualquier lugar (a través de nuestras aplicaciones web y móviles), colaboración en tiempo real (MDT, segundas opiniones, chat).
Cómo funciona Medicai

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Envía tus archivos a Donna Medical Center

Con Medicai, puede enviar sus archivos médicos, incluidas imágenes médicas, a Donna Medical Center con facilidad, en sólo un par de minutos.

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