Public Hospital
The Clinical Nephrology Hospital Dr. Carol Davila is among the innovators in the healthcare field that adopt advanced technologies like the one developed by Medicai, which enables efficient collaboration and real-time access to imaging data. With Medicai, doctors from the Clinical Nephrology Hospital Dr. Carol Davila can receive previous medical studies of their patients digitally, in a few minutes. Medicai’s Patient Portal provides patients with secure access to their medical imaging files.
Services Provided:
The "Carol Davila" Nephrology Hospital serves as a methodological forum for the specialty of nephrology and houses the nation's first and largest hemodialysis center. It also serves as the headquarters of the Romanian Renal Registry, which gathers data from over 100 sections of the nation's nephrology and dialysis units with which it maintains a continuous computer connection.
Under the motto "Non scholae sed vitae discimus" (not for school, but for life we learn), the Clinical Hospital of Nephrology "Dr. Carol Davila" was built at the beginning of the century in a subdued neoclassical style in the heart of Bucharest, in the triangle formed by Calea Griviţei, B-dul Dacia, and Calea Victoriei.
Imaging Investigations:
• Skull X-ray – face and profile
• Turkish saddle X-ray – profile
• Anterior facial sinuses X-ray
• Cervical spine X-ray – face and profile
• Thoracic spine X-ray – face and profile
• Lumbar spine X-ray – face and profile
• Sacrum X-ray – profile
• Coccyx X-ray – profile
• Thoraco-cardio-pulmonary X-ray – face and profile
• Rib cage X-ray
• Sternum X-ray – profile
• Pulmonary fluoroscopy
• Scapula X-ray – face and profile
• Clavicle X-ray – face
• Scapulo-humeral joint X-ray – face and profile
• Humerus X-ray – face and profile
• Elbow joint X-ray – face and profile
• Forearm bones X-ray – face and profile
• Wrist joint X-ray – face and profile
• Hand X-ray – face, profile, and semilateral
• Thumb X-ray – face and profile
• Index finger X-ray – face and profile
• Pelvis X-ray – face
• Sacroiliac joint X-ray
• Hip joints X-ray – face and profile
• Femur X-ray – face and profile
• Knee joint X-ray – face and profile
• Patella X-ray – profile and axial
• Leg bones X-ray – face and profile
• Tibio-tarsal joint X-ray – face and profile
• Foot X-ray – face and profile
• Barium swallow esophago-gastro-duodenal transit
• Intestinal barium transit – time 2
• Kehr tube cholangiography
• Czeppa test
• Irrigography
• Abdominal X-ray
• Simple kidney-bladder X-ray
• Intravenous urography
• Infusion urography
• Voiding cystography
• Retrograde urethrocystography
Enviar sus archivos médicos, incluidas sus imágenes médicas, a su proveedor de atención médica es fácil con Medicai. Mire el siguiente vídeo breve para ver un recorrido paso a paso.
Medicai es una solución empresarial de imágenes médicas nativa de la nube. Nuestra solución permite una gestión de datos de imágenes segura y compatible: acceso a los datos desde cualquier lugar (a través de nuestras aplicaciones web y móviles), colaboración en tiempo real (MDT, segundas opiniones, chat).
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